Simple Angular integration

When it comes to using GoldenLayout with Angular there's a large number of approaches. This tutorial covers the most basic one. For a more advances use case, please have a look at this tutorial.

Keeping it dead simple

This will be our app: Two controllers, nothing to it.

angular.module( 'userModule', [] )
    .controller( 'user', function( $scope ){
        $ = 'John Dee';
    .controller( 'userDetails', function( $scope ){
        $scope.age = 38;

Our aim is to lay them out side by side with a splitter in between them:

See the Pen Angular Simple by Wolfram Hempel (@wolframhempel) on CodePen.

Why can't I just add ng-app to the body tag?

Angular looks for ng-app attributes and works its magic once the document is ready. However, so does GoldenLayout. So in order to make the two work together you have to follow these three steps:

  • Create a Layout with GoldenLayout
  • Load your templates into GoldenLayout's containers
  • Bootstrap Angular

Creating the layout

This one should be fairly straight forward by now. If not, have a look at the getting started tutorial. Two container, side by side, without headers. The only thing note-worthy is the { templateId: 'userNameTemplate' } bit. This will be used to tell our component which template to load.

myLayout = new GoldenLayout({
        hasHeaders: false
        type: 'row',
        content: [{
            type: 'component',
            componentName: 'template',
            componentState: { templateId: 'userNameTemplate' }
            type: 'component',
            componentName: 'template',
            componentState: { templateId: 'userDetailTemplate' }

Loading Templates

For this example we'll store our html in template tags. (Not supported in IE). This is only one of many ways to store and retrieve pieces of html. You could also use Angular's $templateCache or ng-include method, RequireJS' text plugin, hidden divs, Ajax or a number of other approaches.

<template type="text/html" id="userNameTemplate">
    <div ng-controller="user" class="section">
        <strong>Username</strong> {{name}}

<template type="text/html" id="userDetailTemplate">
    <div ng-controller="userDetails" class="section">
        <strong>Age</strong> {{age}}

Our component will retrieve the template's html and inject it into the container.

myLayout.registerComponent( 'template', function( container, state ){
    var templateHtml = $( '#' + state.templateId ).html();
    container.getElement().html( templateHtml );

Bootstrapping our App

All that's left now is to create our layout and, once it's initialised, bootstrap Angular.

myLayout.on( 'initialised', function(){
    angular.bootstrap( document.body, [ 'userModule' ]);


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