Using GoldenLayout with RequireJS

Like most modern libraries, GoldenLayout uses UMD (Universal Module Definition) to ensure compatibility with AMD / RequireJS and CommonJS alike. This means that when it comes to using it with RequireJS, there really isn't much to it.


GoldenLayout depends on jQuery. When requiring GoldenLayout it in turn will require 'jquery' (all lowercase) which is the name that jQuery registeres itself under as a named module. So all that's left is telling RequireJS where this model can be found, e.g. like this:

    paths: {
        'jquery': 'lib/jquery'

And that's it. Now you can require GoldenLayout and your components and start it, e.g. like that:

    baseUrl: '../js',
    paths: {
        'jquery': 'lib/jquery'

require( [ 'lib/goldenlayout', 'src/TestComponent' ], 
    function( GoldenLayout, TestComponent ){

    var myLayout = new GoldenLayout({
            type: 'row',
            content: [{
                type: 'component',
                componentName: 'testComponent',
                componentState: { title: 'First Item' }
                type: 'component',
                componentName: 'testComponent',
                componentState: { title: 'Second Item' }

    myLayout.registerComponent( 'testComponent', TestComponent );

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